Thursday 14 July 2016

I have started a blog!

Wow, I totally can't believe I'm doing this...
I'm putting my feelings onto the Internet and trust me, it scares the hell out of me.
But I guess, this will be like a diary, except anyone can see it, but anyways..
Here goes...

Good Morning Blogger!
I have officially started a blog!

First things first, I am a female, and I'm a teenager.
I go to an ordinary school, and well, I'm pretty ordinary.. Well that's what everyone thinks..
But I'm different. Ever since I was young, I noticed I was different. At first I thought it was the best way I could be different possible, but now that I'm older, I know the truth, and well basically, the truth sucks.
It's 4am here and I've been up all night, watching Netflix of course.. And I decided to start this blog. I think it's a really good alternative for all of my problems. Just a space, where I can let everything out.
In the year 2016 I have turned 13 and I can easily say that life is absolutely crap. I am suffering with anxiety and depression. This is not anything to joke about, I can assure you. But if there's a main thing I've learnt about growing up, is that, no matter what, I am strong, and most importantly, anything is possible. Wow- I think I've gotten a little bit too deep for my first blog - haha..

The Online Optimist

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