Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Day 6 Blog


Wow, I haven't blogged for like 4 days! I've been so busy... Back to school - uggg...

Lately I have been having hectic mood swings, where I could be happy af and checking my Instagram and just seeing a specific type of photo or hearing an old song takes me back to the good days, and then I fall apart, I find myself falling onto my bed crying wondering where I went wrong.. I mean, is that normal? TBH I used to blame myself for my depression but I've figured out that it's not my fault, it's society. That certain type of society, that values money and wealth more than love. I'm still waiting until our generation will begin to value love and peace as much as they do with branded shit. Anyways, my best friend and I have decided, since this is our last 3 and a half months of school together, we are doing 100 things to do before high school, and TBH we have only done 4 things (bad hair day, say yes for a day, get in a physical fight and dance your ass off in the rain) this has taught me that my number one prioty should be myself and fuck anyone who disagrees. You are actually the most important person in your life. Life is short, stop worrying what others think and live while you can. One day we'll leave this all behind so live a life you love and will remember..

I quickly have to tell you about my physical fight today! This was my first physical fight ever because girls are usually more emotional and black mail kinda fighters but today.. Esh..

As you guys know, I've told you about my crush.. My frenemy and him are close right? But she always has to go along and make me jealous of their friendship. Today I kinda lost it, today was bad hair day and my bestie and I teased our hair and put them in one plait and one pony, and I walked past my frenemy and I heard her whisper to my crush, ew what a swine that slut is. I said "EXCUSE ME" she said "you heard me" and poured her milkshake over my head, I punched her in the face and she pushed me against the railing. Everyone was like breaking us up and shit but now she's ended up with a black eye and I ended up with stitches in my lip and a bruised hand from the punch. After school today, she said "hey girlfriend, sorry about the little oopsy today love you" I said "bitch please, this is only the beginning" lol OHHHHH ROASTEDDDD!!!!
But I noticed something today, my bae backed her away and checked if she was alright and not me while I was in the ambulance going to get stitches, so today I've been giving him bat all day and TBH I am feeling amazing. My lip may be killing me but I honestly have realized that I don't care anymore. Quote of the day; Those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind - Dr Suess.

Will try to blog as much as possible, just really busy at school..

The Online Optimist x

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